Ancient Egyptians

In an extreme antiquity Egyptians have developed the narrow strip of the fertile earth limited to a valley and delta of "the breathing river» Hapi (Nile). It was adjoined by the Fajumsky oasis with lake Meridovym, its modern rest — Birket-Karun. The country Egyptians named That Kemet («the Black earth») and correctly considered as its gift of Nile. This agricultural strip protected from three parties by the red earths (deserts) — Nubian, Libyan and Arabian, — is accessible only from the north, from Mediterranean sea.

After association of the country under the power of Pharaoh Menesa (Аха) about XXX century BC Egypt has started to carry out aggressive to the policy. East direction of its expansion became one of the major. In XXIX century BC Pharaoh Den (Удиму) has intruded for the first time on Sinai p and has broken armies of nomad tribes сечет and menchu-sechet, having immortalized the victory on the tablet from an ivory: «the First case of defeat of the East». On isthmus of Suez, conditional geographical border of Africa and Asia, Egyptians have opened Great blackness — system of is bitter-salty lakes (Timsah, Big and Small Bitter [1]) and left to top of gulf of Suez. (Here to the middle of XXVI century BC Pharaoh Sahura has constructed ship-building shipyard.) In the beginning of XXVIII century BC large military expedition under command Netanha directed by Pharaoh Dzhoserom, has attached all Sinai to Egypt. In this desert region conquerors have found out a dense network of time streams (вади) and began to develop a building stone, stronger, than nubian sandstone, and also deposits of copper, malachite and turquoise.